Sunday, April 2, 2017

Boy and Cat I

Boy and Cat I  Oil on panel, 8" x 8,"  NFS
So, we're having some work done on our house.  The contractor has a lovely son who visited. He graciously posed for me (& my camera!) A new series was inspired!  "Boy and Cat," here's the first. 


  1. Love the idea for this series. A while back I did a painting called "Cat and His Boy" because... you know... a cat would assume the boy might belong to him... ha ha ha!

    1. Oh sweet, I'd love to see that! and yes, cats are like that! Thanks for commenting!

  2. How fun for him and his dad! Hopefully for you.

    1. Yes fun all around. His dad saw the first three and he says I got a good likeness... I'm not so sure?! I'm trying not to get all caught up with likeness issues. Just make a good painting even if it's not sweet boy, Gavin. It is fun, though very, very challenging.

  3. Wow. Didn't know you also did human portraiture. Wonderful painting.

  4. Amazing how good you are at painting humans, since you haven't done it that much! Great!


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