
Friday, March 16, 2018

St Patrick's Day DISCOUNTS

St Catrick, Oil on panel, 8" x 8," (framed) DISCOUNTED! $285. SOLD
Happy St Patrick's Day! Hard to imagine, this time last year I was painting the Holiday Cat series?! Seems like a loooong time ago. So much has changed since then with our move...(happily for the better.) 

"St Catrick" was the first one to post and it remains one of my favorites.  How 'bout HALF OFF on all remaining Holiday Cat paintings? (Update: Sorry and thank you, the Holidays Cats are sold out.) That's a bit 'o fun on ST Patrick's day, check 'em out,  here.  "St Catrick" includes a solid wood frame. Cheers!

1 comment:

  1. Super cute. Really it looks like a painting from the golden age of illustration! That's a complement."St Catrick" seems to have had a few already. Only fitting! lol


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