
Monday, May 6, 2019

Orange Tuxedo Cat also painting can be a struggle!

Orange Tuxedo Cat  Oil on panel, 8" x 8,"  Available here
Painting can be struggle! I was gonna tell you I made valiant efforts to avoid over blending this week. It occurs to me that the word "valiant" might be a bit dramatic...but doncha know that's how it felt? To compound matters, when one focuses on one issue, several other "issues" arise without fail. So multiply the blood-sweat-tears aspect by um, several (?lol) for as-of-yet undefined efforts at compensatory adjustments. Never a dull moment.


  1. I would never have guessed...your mark making is always beautiful!! I always admire it on my painting...I really do!!

  2. Painting is a slog....I tell people that all the time because they often get discouraged when it proves to be for them and they think it is because of some awful failure on their part. No, it tough for everyone. There are times of grace where we sail though a picture, but that is rare I find. Meanwhile this great and I love the blue in the


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