
Monday, March 18, 2019

Going With It and a blast from the past

Going With It  Oil on wood, 8" x 8," NFS
I can't seem to photograph this painting without getting glare, sorry!  Posting it anyway, better to post than not...  I've been working on a side project that requires looking up my old press. 

Was I ever so young and dewy?? I remember the day the photo was taken. I had been painting "multiple originals" for a company that sold to health and hospitality industries...  (also working at Square as a digital artist for video games) The company sent a photographer to my apartment in Playa del Rey to get a bio pic... It was very exciting...  how time flies.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I'm betting you're still dewy!lol! Love all the elements in this one.


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