
Sunday, January 13, 2019


Lashonda  Oil on wood, 8" x 6,"  SOLD
Happy New Year! It's great to be painting again after the long break. I'm back on my preferred schedule (Plan several, paint several, blog 'em all at one time as opposed to plan/paint/blogging one at a time.) and hope to maintain that this year. I look forward to sharing the first few with you this week.  Today, "Lashonda" who waits for adoption at the Cleveland APL


  1. How could that cutie not be adopted yet?!! Beautiful, beautiful painting of her!!♥

  2. Diane, would you mind if I shared your painting and photo to the Facebook site for Clevelend APL? I wonder if it would help the kitty's case in gaining more visibility, and for helping others treasure Lashonda's beauty. I do not work there or live in the area, but did visit their FB site (thanks to you!). I don't know if they will share it front and center, but it might go into the "community comments" folder. Stunning painting!

    1. That's a very sweet idea...but please don't. I just checked the adoption profiles and it appears that she's already been adopted. (Not to mention, "Lashonda" was not her actual name, I forgot to make a note of it..wouldn't want to confuse anyone...) Thank you, silentwitness! <3

  3. That's wonderful news for the Kitty! So glad you told me. I would never post there without first asking.


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