
Sunday, December 9, 2018

Brother's Keeper, Love and Hisses

Brother's Keeper  Oil on panel, 8" x 8,"  SOLD
If you notice anything "extra" in today's painting and maybe several to follow, it's thanks to Robyn at Love and Hisses.  Robyn fosters kittens and cats from her beautiful home in Huntsville, AL.  She takes incredible photographs of them, romping, resting and doin' what they do in a relaxed environment. She has honored me with permission to use her photos as painting reference. Thank you, Robyn!! Find more of Robyn's kitty goodness on Facebook and Instagram
"Brother's Keeper" -- I am trying to avoid over blending! It's a hard habit to break. But I made some progress in that regard on this painting.  

1 comment:

Diane Hoeptner Art Blog: Oh yay! A comment from YOU!!