
Monday, November 6, 2017

Stormwatcher, also a chipmunk

Stormwatcher Oil on wood, 8" x 8,"  NFS
A bit of excitement recently: I heard a mysterious rattling in the basement. I went downstairs to investigate. It was a chipmunk! Caught in a live trap my husband had set! I texted a picture of the unbelievably small and frantic animal to him at work. (I'm glad he called me right away because I was kinda frantic too!)  Anyway, he instructed me to walk it into the backyard and release it. Watching the chipmunk scamper away willy-nilly was a treat. He made no haste disappearing into a pile of moss covered logs. We had left a basement window open for a brief time-- hoping it was just the one that got in the house...


  1. Oh, my!!! Glad he/she got to run back home once outside!
    And this cat... it's a beautiful pose. I love all your cats, but occasionally there's one that stands out. This one does.

  2. my kinda world and story. Love the cat. We were inundated with raccoons this year in our corn. They can do a tremendous amount of damage in a short amount of time.

  3. Lucky you caught him before you shut the window up again!! beautiful painting!!


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