
Sunday, November 12, 2017

Polka Dot Peek a Boo, also CALENDARS!

Polka Dot Peek a Boo  Oil on wood, 6" x 8," SOLD
My 2018 calendar is now available. I told interested parties I wasn't doing one this year...  (because I is old and grumpy not to mention still setting up house, lol) Then a dear hard working friend kickstarted the dang thing by designing it (among other things.)  Thank you, Suzi Little!

Like last year, $2 from each will be donated to the Cleveland APL, the shelter from which I glean so much inspiration. They make great gifts, something to consider for the holidays... Here's a link.

Buy now for Peek a Boo kitty below.


  1. Diane, you seem to be on a roll! Your artwork is becoming more irresistable by the day. Thank God Christmas is coming up; it gives me a good reason to indulge myself.

  2. I is older and grumpier. Where can I get a "friend" like that? Looks beautiful!

  3. Looking forward to the calendar. Great selection and design!


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