
Monday, April 24, 2017

The Fierce One

The Fierce One  Oil on panel, 8" x 8,"  NFS
The model here is my soon to be (step) daughter in law. She is a talented photographer and mom to two wonderful daughters. (One of whom I painted in 2014, here.)  
Regarding my poster give away yesterday: Thanks to all who participated and wrote to say HI! (It was a pleasure to hear from so many.) Subscriber respondents 3, 7 and 9 have been notified and will receive two magnolia posters by the end of the week! 
More subscriber give aways soon. Not getting this blog post in your email? Click here to subscribe, you'll be entered to win next time.


  1. I believe this is my favorite painting with a human that you've done. There's something spectacular about her attitude... both the lady's and the cats'. She is beautiful in both her simplicity and in her elegance... again... both the lady and the cat.

  2. Is there any place I can purchase a Magnolia poster? I love them! I looked on Fine Art America under your links with no luck.


  3. love this one Diane. You totally nailed this!


Diane Hoeptner Art Blog: Oh yay! A comment from YOU!!