
Friday, June 5, 2015

Cat on Chair, before and after repaint

Before and After:  "Cat on Chair"  Oil on wood, 8" x 8," SOLD
Here's another before and after.  The first photo was pretty bad to start which is why they look so different.  The only things I actually repainted were kitty's nose, mouth a couple highlites on white fur. 


  1. You say repainted , but it would be perhaps just as correct to say you refined these areas as they are further devolved for the better by the rework. ( like the chest area ) The first photo seems darker than the that a matter of the photo rather than darkening the chair and background with paint ?

    1. Yes, I didn't actually repaint this painting. Regarding your question, yes.

    2. The difference between photo 1 mouth and chest and photo 2 's really shows what can be achieved by developing an area further. Great job!


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