
Sunday, April 19, 2015

It's my 7 Year Blogiversary and I love my subscribers.

April 23rd marks my 7 year blogiversary!  Three subscribers to this blog will be randomly chosen and each will win one of the three paintings above...   Yes!  All three will be given away.  To win a painting, you must be subscribed.  Please take a moment and subscribe here.
This year's painting give away is a little more involved-because all three paintings are going instead of one... First picked gets choice of all three, then another subscriber will be picked etc...  It could be a long process if subscribers use secondary or seldom used email addys.  (It happens!)  To avoid delays, winners must reply to email notification within 48 hours.  If I don't hear back from you, I'm sorry but you will be disqualified.   Another will be picked, one by one until all the paintings find new homes.  
Thank you for reading, commenting and subscribing. Good luck!


  1. Olá Dianne,
    sempre bonito e romântica!
    Gosta de vir aqui
    Um abraço

  2. Congrats on your blogaversity. What are the chances of winning???

  3. Congratulations! And thank you for nice giveaways.

  4. Hi Diane , what a wonderful competition !! I love your blog so much , but don't comment often because it comes straight to my email box and i see it there - i have to click through to your actual blog if I want to leave a comment ! please don't exclude me because Im in South Africa , I will happily pay any shipping costs with paypal if IF I'm lucky enough to be in the draw . hugs Karin

  5. Congratulations on 7 successful years of blogging and a chance to win one of your paintings!

  6. Congratulations! And thanks for an awesome giveaway!

  7. Congrats on your blog's Anniversary Diane!! Keep up your awesome work! Cheers to many more years of blogging and painitng. :D

  8. I love your cats. They are all amazing!

  9. As one of your MANY fans, congratulations on your seventh blogiversary, and thank you for sponsoring your generous giveaway. Wishing you many decades of continued success, joy, recognition/acclaim, great health, and fulfillment. Your work is astoundingly beautiful and powerful.

  10. It has been a pleasure to follow your blog and paintings. I hope to get to a friday gallery walk one day. Congratulations on 7 years of painting and sharing!

  11. Congraations! I'm a big fan of your work and fellow blogger. 😄

  12. I love them all, but if I had to choose it would be number one Darby.The expression is just too cute.


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