
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Tuxedo Clown, character cat no. 3

Carnie Cat  Oil on wood, 8" x 8,"  SOLD
As the eldest cat on the carnival circuit, he takes his job very seriously but "Carnie Cat" is all clown. He tips things over and performs stop motion antics to the delight of crowds far and wide.


  1. This one made me laugh out loud! So much fun you're having - thanks for the smiles!

  2. Ha! Wonderful painting, I can see a new series of these in your future.

  3. Wonderful side stories to the images too... smiling all day now.

  4. I have just stumbled upon your blog. What entertaining and lovely pictures of your feline friends. I have a very old and somewhat senile cat, she is in her nineteenth year (and is absolutely spoilt)

  5. Diane I love this new series! Carnie Cat is fantastic, I love the hat with that attitude you captured in his expression. Beautifully painted as always!

  6. These kitty characters are something else!!! - Bringing lots of giggles - I find I look forward to each one & wonder what you'll come up with next!! Awesome!


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