
Sunday, October 19, 2014

Cat & Butterfly V & pictures from Gallery+ Debut

Cat & Butterfly V  Oil on wood  8" x 8"  SOLD
I've painted this APL cat a few times.  This one is my favorite so far.
Gallery + opened Friday night...  Here's a few pictures.
Ted Lawson's NYC paintings on the left and Tricia Kaman portrait & figurative paintings on the right
My floral and kitteh paintings are on the wall to the left as you enter Gallery +
Though you can't see 'em here, there's refreshments on a counter across the back wall.  

Gallery + Artists!  Zachary Hoon, Ted Lawson, Leslie Edwards Humez, Diane Hoeptner, Tricia Kaman
It was amazing. Wonderful, in fact. I am thrilled to be part of this talented group. Having a local venue for  my work provides a sweet excuse to dress up and get out of the house for Third Friday events  ...and it's got me brainstorming new projects and approaches to my work as well.  I look forward to blogging about future Gallery + receptions and goings-on as they occur!

1 comment:

  1. Everything is wonderful per usual,but I'm crazy in love with that landscape, imo you should do more!

    As great as your art shows on the web, I bet the impact is much more in person. Art must be met to be fully appreciated. Even today we cannot reproduce it in all its in person glory.



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