
Sunday, May 18, 2014

Random Acts of Art Willoughby OH Rib Burn Off

The Art Gallery of Willoughby, OH hosted the first ever "Random Acts of Art" this weekend.  (My first time doing a painting demo, way more fun than I anticipated)  The event took place during the 3rd annual Rib Burn Off.
Works in Progress
 Arist and model.  (kidding!) 
My dear husband who helped schlep supplies and my display.  
Leslie Edwards Humez, Vincenza Harrity and Diane Hoeptner

My demo, about 70% done.
"Random Acts of Art" is the brainchild of Leslie Edwards Humez.  She became inspired upon seeing "Random Acts of Culture" the movement that brought opera singers into supermarkets and subway stations.The idea behind Random Acts is to demystify the art making process-by bringing it to the street. And that we did! 
I admit painting in front of strangers wasn't my idea of fun.  But it was fun.  Family and friends visited, enjoyed the ribs, corn and live music.  People saw my display of small cat paintings in the gallery window and felt impelled to share pictures of their dogs or cats from their smart phones.  Also I got to see Vincenza in action, painting local sites with her (oh-so mobile and efficient) plein air gear.  (She never needs an excuse to get outside and paint!)
Thank you George Ann of The Willoughby Art Gallery for hosting and a special thanks to my friend Leslie for making it all happen.


  1. Looks like fun! Very brave to paint in front of people! I'd love to have seen that. Ever think of making a video of your process? I'd pay for that! You do SUCH great cats!

  2. Indeed it looks like lots of fun and thank you for sharing....and congrats to you for taking the plunge into something new

  3. This looks like so much fun, Diane, and I always secretly wish to sit in your studio and watch you paint. But I'd gladly stand in the street and do it! :) xo

  4. de retour de mes vacances je découvre la démo... qui est très réussi, c'est parfois pas simple de travailler en public... bravo aussi pour les sourires!


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