
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The Suspect painting of unrepentant cat

The Suspect  Oil on wood  8" x 6"  SOLD
  • pushes alarm clocks off bedside tables
  • pukes on carpet
  • exhibits relentless and aggressive acts of violence upon small stuffed animals & hair accessories
Accept all headbonks offered... and proceed with caution.


  1. Haha! Your description gave me a chuckle.

  2. Un repentent! Surely Coco thinks you are unfair in not leaving enough things to push off the tables. We taught Bitsy to push quarters into a cup that made noise. She likes the game and does look to see which quarter should go in. But then she is very prehensile and open drawers, doors, holds on to us with her paws, especially when out for a ride...yes our cat goes for rides. Love the look on Coco.

  3. Too funny! He definitely looks like the likely suspect! Beautiful painting, Diane the shadows !!!

  4. Hilarious. And lovely painting per usual.

  5. Haha...he is at once elegant,,, and full of cattitude! In human form, I doubt I'd ever trust him!

  6. Unrepentant ! lol So speaks a true cat owner! Love the big cat spirit in this . Coco's biker side

  7. Oh, he is Diabolical! ;) Are those spots behind him or flames...!


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