
Sunday, April 6, 2014

Hoeptner 6th Blogiversary Painting Give Away

It's that time agaaaaain!   Time for a painting give awaaaaaay!!  This year's selection may be the best ever.  Which one would you pick?   Let me know in the comments.

To enter and win a free painting of your choice, please subscribe to this blog, here.  Go on and do it!!  (While I don't recommend it -- you can always unsubscribe later.) 

Winner gets choice.  

A random drawing will happen on my 6th (!) blogiversary, April 23rd.  How time flies, this blog continues to be a joy, I'd be lost without it!

If you are reading this post from your email box, you are already entered.  

  ...a special note to current subscribers:  especially those of you who have taken the time to comment on posts by hitting the "reply" button, thank you.  Also, you are the cat's meow and good luck.


  1. Coco with sunflowers is SO beautiful, Diane...What can I say, your paintings of cats are always amazing!!

  2. I would be honored to have any of your creations! Count me in. I read your blog posts on my Feedly.

    1. I also "liked" the post on FB and Google +1'd it for good measure.

    2. Coco with Sunflowers.. yes, definitely COCO!
      All of your paintings are wonderful, but your affinity for cats really speaks to us. Knowing they need homes saddens me beyond words.
      At times (more often than I should admit). I can't take my eyes off my own cat, so It's easy to understand what you must get from painting those beautiful feline creatures.

      Thank you for sharing your amazing talent with us!

    3. Love the cat's brilliant

  3. I love them all, but have to pick "Modern."

  4. I love all your work but I adore your cats, so it's Coco for me!!! Congratulations and happy anniversary! Here's to the next six years! Xx

  5. Coco for me - though I do like them all. I just LOVE cats and especially the way you paint them.

  6. Happy Blogaversary:). WooooHoooo 6 years is a long time:). I'm such a fan of yours and was just showing off the painting I own this weekend. Of course I would live to have another Diane Hoeptner in my collection. I would choose 1 because I love sunflowers and kitties but I would gladly add any of the 3 to my originals collection:)

  7. It's Coco for me, I love your cat paintings and he reminds me of our Spooky. What a joy it would be to look at one your paintings every day in my studio as inspiration.

  8. Coco reminds me of my cat, Eddie, but I have a feeling that Coco's a girl. Eddie's a big 18lb male, but he's a sweetheart. Anyhow, I always love your paintings of Coco.

  9. They are all lovely Diane and what a fun giveaway! I am particularly drawn to "Modern." I enjoy the color and contrast of the deco background against the yellow of the flowers. Congrats to whoever wins!

  10. Wow...I love all your work! You are an amazing Artist. :) Happy Blogiversary!!! It is hard to pick one painting but I would choose "Coco with Sunflowers". Thanks Diane!!!

  11. Congrats on making this blog such a great vehicle to get your delightful work "out there". The choice is difficult. Every piece here has extraordinary "aboutness". I'd choose #3. Your choice of the yellow/purple complimentary color scheme is in my experience the most difficult complimentary scheme to do well, and you've mastered it here. Way to go!

  12. Whoa, three great choices!!! (eeny meeny miney moe.....)

  13. gotta go with the cat formerly known as coco puff. It's a super 3 for one deal , sunflowers and lime. :)

  14. love them but I have to go with the Black cat (Coco)and sunflowers.

  15. I love all three! BUT - I count myself as NOT elligible (others should have the opportunity to have one of your paintings) because I already WON one of your gorgeous paintings and look at it and appreciate it nearly every day. So really, if you pick my name somehow, it would be a weird coincidence, I command you to take it out and pick again! You continue to be an inspiration, Diane, with your painting and your blog. Thank you!

  16. I'm already entered? Sweet. Coco all the way!

  17. Coco with sunflowers for two reasons. I would get to have a floral painting of yours and a pet painting all in one. I admire your work, your growth and your commitment!

  18. Coco is my favorite cuz I'm a huge cat lover and your cat paintings are sooo wonderful!!

  19. I love the red flowers. Try to pick me for that painting. You know who I am. You painted some irises for me.


  20. Coco! I adore your cat paintings! It makes me want to go to our local humane society and get pictures. The problem is, we already have 5 and I have a hard time resisting bring more home! Thank you for your blog!

  21. I don't know how you get "love" to flow from your paintbrush, but that's what I see when I look at your paintings. They make me feel that the world is a much more comfortable and safe place than it sometimes is. Now, how to decide between those three choices? I can think of a place in my house for each one....but at this moment I think I will choose "Modern". Thanks for making the world more beautiful!

  22. Coco with sunflowers. Reminds me of my old best friend Reggie, who would take me on frequent walks and try to get me to go into my neighbor's yards....some even with sunflowers.

  23. Coco with sunflowers. Reminds me of my old best friend Reggie, who would take me on frequent walks and try to get me to go into my neighbor's yards....some even with sunflowers.

  24. Love them all but it would be a toss up between Coco and Modern. Your cat paintings are fantastic but I love the pattern and play of complementary colors of modern.

  25. Cocoa with sunflowers looks like my own cat Misha who recently got hurt and no longer looks like this. Love the color combo.

  26. I always enjoy your work. Unique!

  27. Tough choice. They are all gorgeous. But if I have to only choose 1, Pink Swirl bouquet.

  28. Coco the kitty because I'm an extreme kitty lover!! They are all so beautiful!

  29. Coco please - I have a new love in felines - with my two rescue kittehs! I am already subscribed and LOVE LOVE LOVE seeing your paintings almost every day - they are most beautiful!!

  30. Coco with sunflowers is my favorite, Diane, great!

  31. Coco with Sunflowers reminds me of my cat Beth who passed away a few years ago. I love the way you paint cats; you really capture their purrsonalities.

  32. Happy 6 years of blogging, Diane! Did you know your anniversary is also the same as Kathie Lee & Hoda's? LOL I definitely look forward much more to yours, and all of these are stunners (as usual)! While the crowd has gone Coco, I'd love to have the Pink Swirl Bouquet which I would give to my mom (with request that it comes back to me as an inheritance, of course!). Eventually I shall own a Diane Hoeptner original, I know this...I will BUY one! :) I love what you do, Diane, and it's a joy to be around a maven of positivity like you are. Your spirit that keeps on stretching and learning is so inspiring to me, as is your talent, of course! I'm happy enough being a follower for your art eye candy, but to win would be a gift I can't even begin to contemplate! Congratulations on 6 years of blogging! Long may you reign! xoxo-Loren

  33. I'll pick the pink bouquet, simple beautiful, flowers with the color that I love!

  34. That's not an easy choice but I love your cats and owls (of course) so I've got my fingers crossed that Coco could be mine! Congrats on your blog-versary! Happy Spring Painting, Aimee

  35. Coco with Sunflowers. Coco looks like my cat Tarqin and I love the cat and flowers combination.

  36. I like coco with sunflowers.

  37. All three are beautiful, but the pink swirl bouquet is my absolute favorite- first it has pink flowers and then it has pears, which I love in paintings. It is perfect! Thank you for being such a wonderful inspiration! Kindest regards, Carolina

  38. Coco with Sunflowers (three thumbs up). You know I'm a fan of your animal paintings ;)!

  39. I love the sun flowers one. Have been subscribed to your blog for a loooong time now and love it. Gabrielle xx


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