
Sunday, March 2, 2014

Sanctuary Owl small wildlife painting of bird

Sanctuary Owl  Oil on wood  8" x 8"  SOLD
This owl was the most photogenic of the bunch. Considering he was the only one the handlers had outside, it's not surprising. I'm really liking the borderline "illustrational" background coupled with realistic traditionally painted subject/owl.  Wanna do more of that in general, but maybe another painting of this owl too-before I move on to other subjects. 

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  1. What a stately facial expression!

  2. He's a cutie pie! You really captured this one's personality. He looks like he's thinking hard about his next move! Beautiful!!

  3. He's a cutie pie! You really captured this one's personality. He looks like he's thinking hard about his next move! Beautiful!!

  4. Love the bird portraits you've been doing. Do your cats know what you're up to?

  5. Stunning work. I love this one.


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