
Sunday, September 29, 2013

R.I.P. Layla

Layla liked to lay on her belly with her front paws delicately crossed.  She was a fearless hunter of houseflies, mice and
one time, a chipmunk.   She had a fierce temper and was known to swat at her humans, though she never came close to  scratching and she never held a grudge.  She spent many hours lounging on her back in hallways and high traffic areas. She had perfect faith that her humans wouldn't step on her (and they never did.)  She loved to go outdoors.   She loved to eat grass and roll around on hot, dusty concrete.  She was also a cuddle bug (since she was a kitten) and she never missed an opportunity to enjoy pets and praise.  
I'm sad to report our Layla-loo-loo passed away this morning.  I feel out-of-sorts sharing this news.  If I hadn't painted her a dozen times (and written about her snarky ways here) I might have kept it to myself...      We were hopeful she would recover, but after emergency measures last night it was her heart that finally gave out.   She is missed.   


  1. Diane, I'm so sorry that you lost Layla...I know how difficult it is to lose a pet. Hugs to you! I haven't commented before, but have followed your work quietly. I am in awe of the beautiful work you do. There's a fresh, gentleness about every piece you do. Wishing you peace. :)

  2. Diane, so sorry about Layla-loo-loo. I have enjoyed hearing about her escapades and seeing her beautiful face with those green eyes in your paintings. I can tell you feel about your cats the way I feel about my doggies. They are our family and I am sorry you lost a member of your family.

  3. Sincerest condolences to you, Diane. Our pets are our family, our buds, our go-to-people. Hugs.

  4. So sorry to hear about your Layla. Our pets are our babies -- you have my deepest sympathies.

  5. Dear Diane,
    I am so very sorry to hear of the loss of Layla-loo-loo. Thank you for sharing this with us. She will be with you always. Sending you a virtual big loving hug.


  6. Diane, so sad about Layla. Our pets become such an incredibly integral and loving force in our lives. My sympathies.

  7. I am so sorry about Layla

    Unless one has lost a beloved pet , one can hardly credit the pain. We have lost them, but what is also lost is the totally unique world we create with each one and the person we were in that world . It's a lost of some of our own identity as well and this part of the very painful disorientation.

    My condolences to you and your family

  8. Oh Diane, I'm so sorry to read this. She was a beautiful cat, and a fetching model for your gorgeous paintings. It's good that you shared your sad news here, so we can all, collectively, hold your hand, and send you and your family condolences. :(

  9. Diane~ I am so sorry about this huge loss. I think you are right to share this, along with your beautiful Layla. It helps to know we are not alone at times like this. Those of us who have pet family in our lives, and have lost them, can all know what you all are going through. You are in my thoughts.

  10. Diane, Anne's comment was perfectly phrased. I still get teary looking at paintings of my Sammy. So sorry for your loss. Hugs from the studio. Mark

  11. Oh Diane, I'm so sorry about Layla! It's so sad when a pet-family member passes. She will be waiting for you at Rainbow Bridge!

  12. Although they try not to act like it, they are fearlessly loyal and always missed!

  13. I am SO very sorry for your loss Diane!!! She was so beautiful!! I know that losing Layla was like losing part of the family! You're in my thoughts...hugs!!!
    (she was a beautiful cat!)

  14. Diane, I am so very sorry to hear about Layla loo loo. It is sad time when we are forcefully separated from our pets and being a cat owner who has lost a cat in similar circumstances it is a tough cross to bear. Sending you lots of hugs and love. Gabrielle xx

  15. That's heartbreaking news Diane. They're not pets, they're friends, family. I;m sad for your loss x Indigo

  16. Sorry to hear about Layla, Diane. I know how it feels. I know you are glad to have painted her.

  17. Having lost kitties myself, I know the pain of missing them. You have my sympathy.

    Linda O.

  18. Diane,
    I'm so sorry to hear about your beautiful Layla. I know how heartbroken you must be. She was an important part of your of your "kids" ...who made your home the special place that it is.
    I could tell from your paintings that she was a happy cat and very loved.
    As Collete once said, "There is no such thing as an ordinary cat."

  19. So, so sorry for this loss Diane. Layla will be missed.

  20. Diane,
    I'm so sorry to hear about your lovely Layla.
    I am moved by your desciption of her.
    You have my deepest sympathies.


  21. Oh no, I'm so sorry for your loss Diane.

  22. Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear about Layla's passing! I always enjoyed reading your posts about her behavior, as I have two cats with the exact same dynamic and they even kind of look like yours. So I could always relate to the high drama prima-donna kitty and the little charcoal one that was always getting the beat down. My thoughts are with you at this tough time - hang in there.

  23. oh Diane, it breaks my heart to hear of Layla's passing. True- there's no such thing as "an ordinary cat" - they are wonderful - her memory will always be with you. My Hamilton (big orange kitty) will be waiting at the 'rainbow bridge' for her.

  24. So sorry Diane. Layla looks like my Ruthie. I have enjoyed your stories and paintings of her. The photograph you shared today is so beautiful. Thinking of you!

  25. I am so sorry to hear of the passing of your sweet Layla, Diane. Much sympathy and prayers for you and Layla's other humans.

  26. I am so sorry you lost your sweet Layla. You gave her a wonderful life, she was very loved and will be remembered.

  27. Am so sorry for your loss--what a sweet and beautiful girl! Tabbies bring our home so much joy and spirit. I know she'll live on in your studio as my Jasmine does in mine. ~Aimee

  28. You and Layla have provided immense enjoyment to soooo many ~ you have immortilized her so beautifully. My heart goes out to you for the loss of such a special friend.

  29. I'm so sorry to read this post - I've gone through this too - but glad to see you painted her often.

  30. Oh I am so so sorry Diane. This is such sad news. I have had many cats in my lifetime and can only express my wish that your wonderful paintings and memories will help you through this. The house feels so different when a loved pet is gone. I hope you are able to fill it with the memories of how much joy and inspiration she gave you.

  31. Diane, reading this made me cry. Sorry I am a day late to respond, but wanted to share my sympathy for your loss. Our little furry kids are very much part of our lives and heart, and I know you will miss Layla. Sending you a warm hug and love today.

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